Annie Haak Serasi Turquoise Neon Silver Ring


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Annie Haak Serasi Turquoise Neon Silver Ring

Elevate your summer style with the Serasi Neon Silver Ring! Handcrafted in 925 Sterling Silver and Japanese glass beads, this ring embodies the essence of summer with its vibrant design. Choose your favourite neon shade—Pink, Orange, Yellow, or Turquoise—to complement your outfit and shine brightly all season long. If you adore all things neon, complete your look with the Serasi Neon Silver Bracelet for the ultimate statement.

Hand-threaded on high-quality jewellery elastic in the UK, this ring offers a comfortable fit around any finger, with an inner circumference of approximately 53-55mm. Each item is beautifully presented in a signature ANNIE HAAK jewellery gift box.

Supplier Code: R0367


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Annie Haak Serasi Turquoise Neon Silver Ring